!Source Health and Well-Being Inc

1Source Health and Wellbeing Inc. Spiritual Workshops and Programs

Spiritual Awakening Free Workshop

Free Events, Seminars, Telesumits,

Workshops and Retreats

Are you searching for that inner connection?

Seeking more love, more connection and wanting to really feel your part in life? Ron Cruickshank has been facilitating workshops in Australia and around the globe since 2006! you will receive the benefits of working with a skilled counsellor and accredited teacher and coach.

 Free Teleconference Introduction to the Healing Inner Child online 8 weekly Session Workshops:

 Free Teleconference Introduction to the Spiritual Awakening online 8 weekly session workshops:

 Free Teleconference Introduction to the Creating a Spiritual Relationship for couples online 12 weekly session workshops:

 Free Teleconference Spiritual Counsellor Training Experiential Course 132: Self-Image Transformation:

 More info…

 Online Counsellor Training 24 unit course series:

Connect with us by clicking on the link to the event of your choice and use the registration forms on each page to express your interest in bringing healing into your life.

You can attend a free introductory teleconference for each workshop or training series so that you can experience the wonderful healing, nurturing choices that are on offer and be certain that these events are for you!

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