By-Laws 1Source Health and Wellbeing Incorporated












1.1 These By-Laws are for the good order and conduct of 1Source meetings and member practices and outline and codify procedures to follow for this to occur.

1.2 By-Laws are not to contravene the 1Source Constitution, which takes precedence.

1.3 As By-Laws are dynamic they should be reviewed and agreed on by the board for the next annual term after an Annual General Meeting.


2.1 “Confidential” shall not generally apply to motions, determinations, decisions, results and the like unless a member is a subject of such. It does apply to the deliberations leading to those consequences to allow members to freely speak within the confines of that particular meeting.

2.2 “Members” should be used as the address when correspondence or information is freely available to any member of the 1Source.

2.3 “Colleagues” should be used as the address when correspondence or information is shared between a particular group of the 1Source such as the Board or other committees. This will allow the addressee to identify, particularly with e-mail, the circulation of such correspondence.

2.4 The terms “Board” means the Peak Body for the Association 1Source and “Committee or Sub-Committee are generally interchangeable as they function as a committee answerable and responsible to the Board.


3.1 Order of Business

3.1.1 The order for Business for meetings is outlined in Appendix A.

3.2 The Role and Duties of Office Bearers

3.2.1 The role and duties of office bearers including the chairperson are outlined in Appendix B.

3.3 Motions

3.3.1 Matters dealing with motions are dealt with in Appendix C.


4.1 Debate

4.1.1 When a member speaks to the meeting, he or she should address the chairperson and speak only of the matter under debate. Speakers should not use unparliamentary language nor should they attack personalities.

4.1.2 A speaker has the right not to be interrupted unless it is by the chairperson. Another member may interrupt the speaker only on a point of order.

4.1.3 Points of order must refer to the speaker speaking longer than allowed, being repetitious or speaking on irrelevant matters; disobeying standing orders, being offensive or using unparliamentary language.

4.1.4 If a motion or amendment has been put to the meeting, it cannot be withdrawn unless the meeting carries a motion to do so.

4.1.5 If a motion has been lost or a resolution carried during the last three months, another motion of similar substance may not be put to the meeting, unless it is supported by two-thirds of the meeting.

4.2 Voting

Not withstanding the constitution on matters of voting:

4.2.1 Votes may be decided on the show of hands or voices for general decisions.

4.2.2 If a member of the meeting is unhappy with the judgement of the chairperson in deciding whether a motion was carried or lost then she or he can ask, immediately after the chairperson’s judgement has been announced, for a show of hands. If four members of the meeting ask for a division, all members must record their vote on paper and the vote must be recorded in the minutes.

4.2.3 If a motion does not have the support of a simple majority, it is lost.

4.2.4 When voting involves naming members, balloting by paper should be conducted by a scrutineer issuing his or her initialed papers with the candidates names written on them and then collected, collated and the result recorded in the minutes.

4.3 Suspension of By-Laws

4.3.1 If the majority of members at a meeting determine that for some reason By-Laws need to be suspended they may be, after a majority vote, and the only for the duration of the necessity at the conclusion of which the meeting automatically returns to the By-Laws.

4.4 Other Matters

4.4.1 If a member of a meeting wishes to ask a question, she or he should ask through the chairperson.

4.4.2 A quorum as laid down in the constitution must be present before a meeting can discuss business. If a quorum is not present within twenty minutes, then the meeting is automatically adjourned.

4.4.3 The By-Laws may only be amended by resolution carried by a board or general meeting. The motion to amend the By-Laws must be received by the secretary at least two weeks before the meeting and must appear on the agenda. Such resolutions must be carried by two-thirds majority.

4.4.4 Any committee, whose duties are enumerated in By-Laws, cannot suspend its own By-Laws.

4.4.5 A limit of thirty dollars ($30.00) may be incurred as an incidental expense for approved activities by board or committee members without prior approval.

4.4.6 Members of boards or committees with expense claims or accounts must present them to the Treasurer within the next two (2) meetings of the board or committee.

4.4.7 Any document presented for approval or adoption by 1Source must clearly show on each page the author and/or authorisation body, the date of latest review or printing, the version number if applicable and the page number and number of pages in total.


The process will follow a traditional format of:

5.1 Agenda

5.1.1 The president, or chairperson, calls a meeting by sending an agenda, usually from the secretary, to all those involved.

5.1.2 The minutes of any previous meeting should be included. The date, time, place and matters to be discussed are included along with any other briefing pertinent material.

5.2 Quorum

5.2.1 At the appointed time, the meeting may commence once a quorum is met.

5.2.2 The quorum is defined in the constitution.

5.2.3 If the president or chairperson is not present, the deputy chairperson or person voted by other members may start the meeting once a quorum is met.

5.2.4 If a quorum is not met, the meeting cannot take place and must be re-scheduled.

5.3 Opening of Meetings

5.3.1 The chairperson firmly calls the Meeting to Order stating the date, time, place and of which board, committee or group.

5.3.2 Any issues not already included in the agenda maybe called for to be included in the relevant section of the format, particularly in the “Any Other Business.”

5.4 Apologies

5.4.1 Apologies are taken and read and may be accepted according to attendance requirements as outlined in the constitution.

5.5 The Minutes of the previous meeting

5.5.1 These are tabled by the secretary. If they are a true and accurate account, they may be voted on to be accepted.

5.5.2 Debate on confirming the minutes of a previous meeting must only concern itself with the accuracy of the minutes.

5.5.3 If minor alterations are required, the minutes may be adopted subject to these alterations. If major problems occur, the minutes may have to be held over to be recompiled and then voted on.

5.5.4 Once the minutes are accepted, the president signs off on each page and returns them for archiving.

5.5.5 Members do not talk or comment on the issues in the minutes at this stage.

5.6 Business Arising From the Minutes

5.6.1 Issues are raised in turn and dealt with.

5.6.2 Some items of business, if any, may be agreed on to be raised in General Business section, particularly if the matter is an ongoing one.

5.7 Correspondence

5.7.1 The secretary usually handles this matter and should keep copies of all correspondence.

5.7.2 Items are listed and pertinent documents are made available and distributed to those that may be involved.

5.7.3 All significant matters should be summarized and outlined to all the members.

5.7.4 Members do not talk or comment on the correspondence at this stage except for clarification.

5.7.5 The correspondence is then voted upon to be accepted.

5.7.6 If any correspondence is gratuitous, offensive, inflammatory or otherwise, there may be a motion not to receive that item(s). Alternatively, it may be moved to lie on the table. This means that it will not be acted on until a motion to take it up from the table is put. Unsigned correspondence may be treated this way.

5.8 Matters Arising From Correspondence

5.8.1 Issues are raised in turn and dealt with.

5.8.2 Some items of business, if any, maybe agreed on to be raised in General Business if the matter warrants it.

5.9 Meeting Reports

5.9.1 In turn, usually President, Treasurer, Secretary then Office Bearers and members with responsibilities, table reports in writing and the presenter speaks on them as required.

5.9.2 Any matters raised are dealt with. Some items of the report maybe agreed on to be raised in General Business if the matter warrants it.

5.10 General Business

5.10.1 These are the listed items that are dealt with in order.

5.10.2 Motions that have been given notice and are agenda items are first followed by other formal motions.

5.10.3 There maybe notice of motions, discussions, debates or general information to follow that occurs as a result of preceding orders of business within the format.

5.11 Any Other Business

5.11.1 This allows any final items not listed on the agenda that members feel are of sufficient importance to be raised.

5.11.2 They should not include complex matters other than to give notice that they will be items on the next agenda, or if of sufficient importance or urgency may warrant a special meeting.

5.12 Closure of Meetings

5.12.1 The chairperson firmly closes the meeting of the particular body and gives details of the next meeting, if known.


Management Structure Plan


Not withstanding those items specified in the constitution for general and executive positions, in order for any board or committee to carry out its role effectively, each member must understand their role and:

  1. Have access to relevant information to support them in carrying out their responsibilities.
  2. To be supported in their role as a committee person.
  3. Make decisions as part of a collective group.
  4. Uphold the values and objectives of the organisation.
  5. Act with integrity and avoid or declare personal conflicts of interest.
  6. Have an understanding of the 1Source Constitution and any By-Laws or standing orders.
  7. Be prepared to engage or take responsibilities within that role.
  8. Give adequate time and energy to the duties of being a member.
  9. Seek advice on any matter that they are unsure about.
  10. And demonstrate selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness and honesty in the conduct of their role.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the role and responsibility of the President to:

  1. Oversee the attainment of the organisation’s objectives.
  2. Direct and motivate the general and executive committee.
  3. Chair any Board of management meetings, or ensure that someone else is doing so.
  4. Liaise with the Secretary of the Board to ensure meetings/event arrangements are in order.
  5. Liaise with the Treasurer of the Board to ensure the network’s budget is being monitored and that accurate financial records are being kept.
  6. Provide a President’s Report at the AGM, outlining network activities and accomplishments for the year.
  7. Foster the fair participation of all members and consistent adherence to the organisation’s constitution.
  8. Preserve order, ruling on contentious matters of procedure and assisting the progress of discussion by preventing irrelevant or repetitious discussion or offensive remarks.
  9. Present a face of impartiality when in the chair during debates.
  10. Only give personal views in debates providing he/she vacates the chair for the entire course of the discussion on the specific topic.
  11. Represent the association at official functions and act as the association’s spoke person when public statements or actions are appropriate or delegate to an appropriate person.
  12. Plan for recruitment and renewal of the Board of Management.
  13. Be an ex-Officio member of all Board, committees and sub-committees.


The Public Officer is responsible to:

  1. Carry out the functions and roles as determined in the Incorporation’s Act.
  2. Ensure that the organisation functions within the Act.
  3. Keep relevant Board, committee and office bearers informed of any pertinent information and take any appropriate action as practicable.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the role and responsibility of the Vice-President to:

  1. Take on any of the presidential duties defined above when invited to do so by the President or when the President is, for reasons of illness or alternative commitments, unable to undertake those duties.
  2. Support the President or chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of any Board, committee, or sub-committee.
  3. Provide general advice and assistance to the President.
  4. If, for any reason, the President’s office falls vacant, the Vice-President should act as interim or Acting President until a new President is elected.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the role responsibility of the Chairperson.

  1. To plan and run meetings in accordance to the governing document.
  2. To follow the agreed agenda to ensure matters are dealt within an orderly, efficient manner.
  3. To ensure that any Board, committee or sub-committee functions properly; that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
  4. To bring impartiality and objectivity to meeting and decision-making.
  5. To maintain order during the meeting including facilitating change and address to conflict within the board, committee or sub-committee.
  6. To leave the chair if he/she wishes to take part in debating a substantive motion.
  7. To call for order any member of the meeting breaking a debating rule.
  8. If deemed appropriate, refuse a motion in writing before it is put to the vote by the meeting.
  9. If deemed appropriate, refuse a motion that the question now be put. If a member has spoken in a debate, he/she may not move a motion “that the question now be put.” Before such a motion is put to the vote, the mover of the substantive motion has the right of reply.
  10. Ensure that any member of a meeting is permitted to raise a point of order. When such a point of order is raised, the speaker must be silent and must sit down. The member who has raised the point of order has one minute to explain the point of order, and then the chairperson must give a ruling. The speaker may then resume.
  11. Allow that a motion of dissent from the chairperson’s ruling be moved if a member of the meeting disagrees with the ruling. The usual wording of the motion is “that the chairperson’s ruling be dissented from.” The chairperson must step aside. The mover of the motion must explain why he/she moved the motion, and then the chairperson must justify the ruling. An acting chairperson puts a motion to the meeting “that the chairperson’s motion be upheld”
  12. Require a member of the meeting who is repetitious or irrelevant in speeches to speak only to the matter under debate. If the repetition or irrelevance continues, the chairperson may call on the member to stop speaking and to resume his/her seat.
  13. To decide who is to speak next if there is uncertainty as to who first attracted the attention of the chairperson.
  14. To adjourn a meeting to a specific time and place if the meeting collapses in disorder.
  15. When the chairperson leaves the chair, the meeting has closed.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the responsibility of the secretary to:

  1. Act as the principal administrative officer of the association or group.
  2. Support the chair in ensuring the smooth functioning of any Board, committee or sub-committee.
  3. Prepare in consultation with the President, all meeting agendas including items from Board, committee or sub-committee members or other members.
  4. Circulate agendas and minutes of minutes including the annual general meeting (AGM) and any special or extraordinary general meetings under the direction of the President and after liaising with necessary persons.
  5. Ensure all venue, catering and other bookings are made.
  6. Distribute any necessary papers before meetings.
  7. Take minutes at Board or network meetings, or ensure that someone else is doing so.
  8. Record and distribute any minutes, or ensure that someone else is doing so.
  9. Ensure that the minutes indicate
  10. The time, date and location of the meeting,
  11. The members in attendance,
  12. The apologies accepted,
  13. The identity of the chairperson and
  14. Record every decision that was supported by majority vote.
  15. Ensure that the chair signs the minutes once they have been approved.
  16. Keep a file of all agendas, minutes, function or event arrangements, and any other organisation or network-related paperwork.
  17. Receive and record all correspondence.
  18. Confirm the receipt of correspondence if appropriate.
  19. Determine if such matters arising from correspondence need action before the next acceptance date and inform the President so that executive arrangements can be determined.
  20. Table all incoming correspondence at meetings outlining all major points and distributing copies to members as appropriate at the next meeting of any board or committee or sub-committee after they are received.
  21. Propose that correspondence be accepted or dealt with as determined by the board or committee at each meeting.
  22. Carry out any decisions of the board or meeting as appropriate.
  23. Maintain a list of all members.
  24. Maintain a list of motions.
  25. Be responsible for the handing over of all records and minutes to the incoming secretary on vacating the position.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the role of the student/youth representative to:

  1. Represent the students/youth of his/her school or organisation.
  2. Represent the student body of training youth as far as practicable.
  3. Keep students/ youth informed of 1Source’s activities.
  4. Keep 1Source informed of student/school activities as far as he/her is aware of them.
  5. Contribute actively to committee and organisation plans and activities with the students/ and the 1Source’s best interests in mind.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the responsibility of the treasurer to:

  1. Maintain an overview of an organisation’s financial status and to ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
  2. Assume the responsibility for the sound financial management of the association and manage the association’s finances including any budgets and annual renewals such as insurance.
  3. Ensure that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place and protect against fraud and theft.
  4. Receive and deposit monies, maintain records, draw cheques, process electronic transfers, and present accounts, in the form of a report, at each meeting.
  5. Ensure the safe custody of all monies, check and accounting books.
  6. Liaise with designated persons about financial matters, in particular the Treasurer of any Sub-Committee.
  7. Advise on the fundraising strategy of the organisation.
  8. Keep the committee informed on financial matters including presenting a monthly statement at board meetings.
  9. Table accounts for payment to be passed at the next meeting of any board or committee or sub-committee after they are received.
  10. Make payments as approved by the board.
  11. Keep accurate financial records for the organisation.
  12. Arrange any auditing of the organisation’s financial matters as required by the organisation and the requirements of the Incorporation Act with the proper officer.
  13. Ensure any recommendations of the auditors are implemented.
  14. Provide a Treasurer’s Report to the AGM, presenting all records for auditing each year and ensure that the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
  15. In conjunction with the Secretary, maintain a list of all members’ financial position.
  16. Seek advice from a registered accountant or the Auditor if uncertain about correct financial management protocols.


In addition to the role as a Board Member, the Membership Officer is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. At each General Meeting to be available at Registration to seek out and welcome Guests.
  2. As appropriate, solicit such visitors as potential members.
  3. Through the Board, determine strategies to promote the membership of 1Source to other Associations or individuals who are or intending to become Members of 1Source or its sub-committees.
  4. If necessary, and as directed by at least the Executive, attend on behalf of the 1Source such activities deemed as suitable to recruit Associations or individuals to the Membership of the 1Source or its sub-committees.
  5. From the Secretary of the Board, obtain such information packs and membership applications as required.
  6. From the Secretary of the Board obtain any submitted Membership Application and ensure that all requirements for membership have been met. If not, then to liaise with the Applicant to correct any requirements. If correct, to return any Membership Application to the Secretary of the Board for the Boards approval.
  7. Liaise with other Board members, particularly the Liaison Officer and the Media Liaison Officer as appropriate.
  8. To keep a basic record of contacts and applications to report to the Board at each Board Meeting.


In addition to the role of all individual Board members, it is the responsibility of the Country Board member to:

  1. From time to time make routine contact with all country members of 1Source to:
  2. Solicit any concerns or issues that members may have.
  3. Generally inform the members of routine issues as a supplement to other forms of communication.
  4. Specifically inform members of issues or concerns directly with reference to country matters.
  5. Encourage participation by country members in all aspects of 1Source including motions or notice to the Board, attending monthly and annual meetings, contributing to the newsletter and in any other way.
  6. Report to the board any concerns or issues from the country members.
  7. Bring to the Board’s attention any items or issues that may disadvantage country members.
  8. Encourage country members in networking and other professional or social contact.
  9. Support a cohesive membership of 1Source and adherence to its policies and procedures.


  1. In an effort to clarify the filling of the Country Board member position, the following conditions will apply with respect to the election of the Country Board member.
  2. For the position of Country Representative, nominations for this position are to be called for from the country members of 1Source in the first instance and normal selection process followed in the event of one or more nominations being received.
  3. If no nominations for the position are received then nominations from the Metropolitan members will be called for normal selection process followed in the event of nominations being received.
  4. There is no reason that nominations could not be called for from country and metropolitan members at the same time on the understanding that country nominations take precedence.
  5. If no nominations for the position of the Country Representative are received then the Board may appoint a representative to represent country members whose term will expire at the next AGM when nominations will be called for this position as outlined above.


In addition to the role as a Board Member, the Professional Development Coordinator is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. Engage and collate speakers or presenters for regular General Meetings.
  2. Obtain a profile from the presenters to submit to the Newsletter Editor by the appropriate cut-off date.
  3. Determine in consultation with Members and Supervisors, the topics and format for the Supervision activity held at regular General Meetings.
  4. To liaise with the Board Executive to determine the Chair on a roster basis.
  5. Appoint one Board Member to provide a short article (150-200 words) of interest and another Board Member to provide write-ups on the speakers/presenters for each General Meeting for publication in the Newsletter on a rotational basis.
  6. Draw up the listing, or timetable showing the nominations for all of these activities to be provided to all Board Members.
  7. Provide the Newsletter Editor updated listings of the speakers/presenters, their profiles and supervision topics for publication in the Bulletin.


In addition to the role as a Board Member, the Bulletin Editor is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. To compile the 1Source Newsletter whose content and structure will be from time to time determined by the Board.
  2. Liaise with the Board Professional Development Officer to keep a listing of current Articles and Speaker Write-Up person.
  3. Liaise with the President, Vice-President, relevant Board members and others who are to submit articles or materials for the Newsletter, to ensure that they meet the cut-off dates for submission.
  4. Collate the submitted articles and provide a scrutiny of content as being compliant with its acceptability considering the role of 1Source and its committees and sub-committees with respect to ethical standards, relevance and general suitability.
  5. Ensure that Copyright has not been breached, or permission has been obtained if required.
  6. Liaise with and forward to the publisher the articles by the due cut off date.
  7. Solicit advertising.
  8. To forward to the Treasurer of the Board any payments for advertising and not allow any advertising to be published until payment has been receipted by the Treasurer of the Board.


In addition to the role as a Board Member, the Liaison Officer is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. Be prepared to speak or present at gatherings, such as Student Information Sessions, on the role and purpose of 1Source.
  2. To have prepared and speak to notes that have been approved by at least the Executive as to content.
  3. Have prepared any other form of presentation, slide show, DVD and the like, the contents of which has been approved of by at least the Executive.
  4. Obtain any publicity material, including information packs from the Secretary of the Board, for distribution at presentations.
  5. Liaise with other Board members, particularly the Chairperson of any Sub-Committee, Membership Officers and the Media Liaison Officers as appropriate.
  6. To present matters arising from any Sub-Committee Meetings that may require the attention of the 1Source Board.
  7. To keep a basic record of contacts to report to the Board at each Board meeting.


In addition to the role as a Board Member, the Media Liaison Officer is nominated by at least the Executive or in their absence the President, to perform the following:

  1. To liaise with all forms of Media to:
  2. Pass on any Press releases, printed statements or similar, that has been endorsed by at least the Executive.
  3. Seek out any forms of Media to further the cause of 1Source and its sub-committees in general.
  4. Arrange for those speakers, who are nominated and endorsed by at least the Executive to speak on behalf of 1Source and its sub-committees in General, to meet with Media.
  5. To liaise between the Media and nominated 1Source person(s) to arrange suitable time and venue arrangements for a meeting.
  6. Liaise with other Board members, particularly the Membership Officer and the Liaison Officer as appropriate.
  7. To report to the Board meetings any contacts, conversations, understand, arrangements and the like at each Board meeting.



In addition to the role of all individual sub-committee members, it is the role responsibility of the Sub-Committee Chairperson:

  1. To plan and run meetings in accordance to the governing document.
  2. To follow the agreed agenda to ensure matters are dealt within an orderly, efficient manner.
  3. To ensure that any sub-committee functions properly; that there is full participation during meetings, that all relevant matters are discussed and that effective decisions are made and carried out.
  4. To bring impartiality and objectivity to meeting and decision-making.
  5. To maintain order during the meeting including facilitating change and address to conflict within the board or sub-committee.
  6. To leave the chair if he/she wishes to take part in debating a substantive motion.
  7. To call for order any member of the meeting breaking a debating rule.
  8. If deemed appropriate, refuse a motion in writing before it is put to the vote by the meeting.
  9. If deemed appropriate, refuse a motion that the question now be put. If a member has spoken in a debate, he/she may not move a motion “that the question now be put.” Before such a motion is put to the vote, the mover of the substantive motion has the right of reply.
  10. Ensure that any member of a meeting is permitted to raise a point of order. When such a point of order is raised, the speaker must be silent and must sit down. The member who has raised the point of order has one minute to explain the point of order, and then the chairperson must give a ruling. The speaker may then resume.
  11. Allow that a motion of dissent from the chairperson’s ruling be moved if a member of the meeting disagrees with the ruling. The usual wording of the motion is “that the chairperson’s ruling be dissented from.” The chairperson must step aside. The mover of the motion must explain why he/she moved the motion, and then the chairperson must justify the ruling. An acting chairperson puts a motion to the meeting “that the chairperson’s motion be upheld”
  12. Require a member of the meeting who is repetitious or irrelevant in speeches to speak only to the matter under debate. If the repetition or irrelevance continues, the sub-committee chairperson may call on the member to stop speaking and to resume his/her seat.
  13. To decide who is to speak next if there is uncertainty as to who first attracted the attention of the sub-committee chairperson.
  14. To adjourn a meeting to a specific time and place if the meeting collapses in disorder.
  15. When the sub-committee chairperson leaves the chair, the meeting has closed.
  16. To liaise with the Sub-Committee Secretary in generating a report on any meetings to the Liaison Officer of the 1Source Board for presentation to the next 1Source Management Meeting.
  17. To relay information and decisions received in writing from the 1Source Board to the Sub-Committee Board at the next meeting of the sub-committee.


In addition to the role of all individual sub-committee members, it is the responsibility of the sub-committee secretary to:

  1. Act as the principal administrative officer of the association or group.
  2. Support the sub-committee chair, and the President of 1Source as appropriate, in ensuring the smooth functioning of any sub-committee.
  3. Prepare in consultation with the Sub-Committee Chair and the 1Source President, all meeting agendas including items from sub-committee members or other members.
  4. Circulate agendas and minutes of minutes including the annual general meeting (AGM) and any special or extraordinary general meetings under the direction of the President and after liaising with necessary persons.
  5. Ensure all venue, catering and other bookings are made.
  6. Distribute any necessary papers before meetings.
  7. Take minutes at committee or network meetings, or ensure that someone else is doing so.
  8. Record and distribute any minutes, or ensure that someone else is doing so.
  9. Ensure that the minutes indicate
  10. The time, date and location of the meeting,
  11. The members in attendance,
  12. The apologies accepted,
  13. The identity of the sub-committee chairperson and
  14. Record every decision that was supported by majority vote.
  15. Ensure that the sub-committee chair signs the minutes once they have been approved.
  16. Keep a file of all agendas, minutes, function or event arrangements, and any other organisation or network-related paperwork.
  17. Receive and record all correspondence.
  18. Confirm the receipt of correspondence if appropriate.
  19. Determine if such matters arising from correspondence need action before the next acceptance date and inform the 1Source President so that executive arrangements can be determined.
  20. Table all incoming correspondence at meetings outlining all major points and distributing copies to members as appropriate at the next meeting of any board of management or sub-committee after they are received.
  21. Propose that correspondence be accepted or dealt with as determined by the board of management or sub-committee at each meeting.
  22. Carry out any decisions of the sub-committee or meeting as appropriate.
  23. Maintain a list of all members.
  24. Maintain a list of motions.
  25. Be responsible for the handing over of all records and minutes to the incoming secretary on vacating the position,


In addition to the role of all individual sub-committee members, it is the role of the student/youth representative to:

  1. Represent the students/youth of his/her school or organisation.
  2. Represent the student body of training youth as far as practicable.
  3. Keep students/ youth informed of the sub-committee and 1Source’s activities.
  4. Keep the sub-committee and 1Source informed of student/school activities as far as he/her is aware of them.
  5. Contribute actively to sub-committee and organisation plans and activities with the students/ and the 1Source’s best interests in mind.


In addition to the role of all individual sub-committee members, it is the responsibility of the treasurer to:

  1. Maintain an overview of an organisation’s financial status and to ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
  2. Assume the responsibility for the sound financial management of the association and manage the association’s finances including any budgets and annual renewals such as insurance.
  3. Ensure that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place and protect against fraud and theft.
  4. Receive and deposit monies, maintain records, draw cheques, co-sign electronic transfers, and present accounts, in the form of a report, at each meeting.
  5. Ensure the safe custody of all monies, check and accounting books.
  6. Liaise with designated persons about financial matters, in particular the 1Source Treasurer.
  7. Advise on the fundraising strategy of the sub-committee and the organisation.
  8. Keep the sub-committee and the 1Source Board informed on financial matters including presenting a monthly statement at 1Source Board meetings.
  9. Table accounts for payment to be passed at the next meeting of any board or sub-committee after they are received.
  10. Make payments as approved by the board or sub-committee within the guidelines set by the 1Source Board.
  11. Keep accurate financial records for the organisation.
  12. Arrange any auditing of the organisation’s financial matters as required by the 1Source organisation and the requirements of the Incorporation Act with the proper officer.
  13. Ensure any recommendations of the auditors are implemented.
  14. Provide a Treasurer’s Report to the sub-committee AGM, and to the 1Source AGM, presenting all records for auditing each year and ensure that the audited accounts are tabled for adoption at the Annual General Meeting.
  15. In conjunction with the Secretary, maintain a list of all members’ financial membership position.
  16. Seek advice from the 1Source Treasurer if uncertain about correct financial management protocols.


In addition to the role as a Sub-Committee Member, the Membership Officer is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. At each General Meeting to be available at Registration to seek out and welcome Guests.
  2. As appropriate, solicit such visitors as potential members.
  3. Through the Board, determine strategies to promote the membership of 1Source to other like minded groups and individuals who are or intending to become Members of the 1Source and of the Sub-Committee.
  4. If necessary, and as directed by at least the Executive, attend on behalf of 1Source such activities deemed as suitable to recruit members to the Membership of the Sub-Committee and of 1Source.
  5. From the Sub-Committee Secretary, obtain such information packs and membership applications as required.
  6. From the Sub-Committee Secretary obtain any submitted Membership Application and ensure that all requirements for membership have been met. If not, then to liaise with the Applicant to correct any requirements. If correct, to return any Membership Application to the Sub-Committee Secretary for approval by the Sub-Committee and where appropriate, the Board of 1Source.
  7. Liaise with other Sub-Committee members, particularly the Sub-Committee Liaison Officer and the Sub-Committee Media Liaison Officer as appropriate.
  8. To keep a basic record of contacts and applications to report to the Sub-Committee at each Sub-Committee Meeting.


In addition to the role of all individual sub-committee members, it is the responsibility of the Sub-Committee Country Board member to:

  1. From time to time make routine contact with all country members of the 1Source, and any sub-committees to:
  2. Solicit any concerns or issues that members may have.
  3. Generally inform the members of routine issues as a supplement to other forms of communication.
  4. Specifically inform members of issues or concerns directly with reference to country matters.
  5. Encourage participation by country members in all aspects of 1Source and/or Sub-Committees including motions or notice to the Board, attending monthly and annual meetings, contributing to the newsletter and in any other way.
  6. Report to the sub-committee any concerns or issues from the country members.
  7. Bring to the Sub-Committee’s attention any items or issues that may disadvantage country members.
  8. Encourage country members in networking and other professional or social contact.
  9. Support a cohesive membership of 1Source and its sub-committees and adherence to its policies and procedures.


  1. In an effort to clarify the filling of the Country Sub-Committee member position, the following conditions will apply with respect to the election of the Country Sub-Committee member.
  2. For the position of Country Representative, nominations for this position are to be called for from the country members of the 1Source and its sub-committees in the first instance and normal selection process followed in the event of one or more nominations being received.
  3. If no nominations for the position are received then nominations from the Metropolitan members will be called for normal selection process followed in the event of nominations being received.
  4. There is no reason that nominations could not be called for from country and metropolitan members at the same time on the understanding that country nominations take precedence.
  5. If no nominations for the position of the Country Representative are received then the Board may appoint a representative to represent country members whose term will expire at the next AGM when nominations will be called for this position as outlined above.
  6. (Election conditions added 10th November 2007 board resolution, now ver.1.01)


In addition to the role as a Su-Committee Member, the Professional Development Co-ordinator is nominated by at leat the Executive to perform the following:

  1. Engage and collate speakers or presenters for regular General Sub-Committee Meetings.
  2. Obtain a profile from the presenters to submit to the Bulletin Editor by the appropriate cut-off date.
  3. Determine in consultation with Members and Supervisors, the topics and format for the Supervision activity held at regular Sub-Committee Meetings.
  4. To liaise with the Executive to determine the Sub-Committee Chair on a roster basis.
  5. Appoint one Sub-Committee Member to provide a short article (150-200 words) of interest and another Sub-Committee Member to provide write-ups on the speakers/presenters for each Sub-Committee Meeting for publication in the Bulletin on a rotational basis.
  6. Draw up the listing, or timetable showing the nominations for all of these activities to be provided to all Sub-Committee Members.
  7. Provide the Bulletin Editor updated listings of the speakers/presenters, their profiles and supervision topics for publication in the Bulletin.


In addition to the role as a Sub-Committee Member, the Bulletin Editor is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. To compile the Sub-Committee Bulletin whose content and structure will be from time to time determined by the Sub-Committee.
  2. Liaise with the Sub-Committee Professional Development Officer to keep a listing of current Articles and Speaker Write-Up person.
  3. Liaise with the Sub-Committee Chair, Sub-Committee Secretary, and relevant Sub-Committee members and others who are to submit articles or materials for the Bulletin, to ensure that they meet the cut-off dates for submission.
  4. Collate the submitted articles and provide a scrutiny of content as being compliant with its acceptability considering the role of 1Source and its Sub-Committees with respect to ethical standards, relevance and general suitability.
  5. Ensure that Copyright has not been breached, or permission has been obtained if required.
  6. Liaise with and forward to the publisher the articles by the due cut off date.
  7. Solicit advertising.
  8. To forward to the Sub-Committee Treasurer any payments for advertising and not allow any advertising to be published until payment has been receipted by the Sub-Committee Treasurer.


In addition to the role as a Sub-Committee Member, the Liaison Officer is nominated by at least the Executive to perform the following:

  1. Be prepared to speak or present at gatherings, such as Student/Youth Information Sessions, on the role and purpose of the 1Source and its Sub-Committees.
  2. To have prepared and speak to notes that have been approved by at least the Executive as to content.
  3. Have prepared any other form of presentation, slide show, DVD and the like, the contents of which has been approved of by at least the Executive.
  4. Obtain any publicity material, including information packs from the Secretary, for distribution at presentations.
  5. Liaise with other Sub-Committee members, particularly the Sub-Committee Membership Officer and the Sub-Committee Media Liaison Officer as appropriate.
  6. To keep a basic record of contacts to report to the Sub-Committee at each Board meeting.


In addition to the role as a Sub-Committee Member, the Media Liaison Officer is nominated by at least the Executive, or in their absence the Sub-Committee Chair, to perform the following:

  1. To liaise with all forms of Media to:
  2. Pass on any Press releases, printed statements or similar, that has been endorsed by at least the Executive.
  3. Seek out any forms of Media to further the cause of the 1Source and its Sub-Committees in general.
  4. Arrange for those speakers, who are nominated and endorsed by at least the Executive to speak on behalf of the 1Source and its Sub-Committees in General, to meet with Media.
  5. To liaise between the Media and nominated 1Source person(s) or Sub-Committee person(s) to arrange suitable time and venue arrangements for a meeting.
  6. Liaise with other Sub-Committee members, particularly the Sub-Committee Membership Officer and the Sub-Committee Liaison Officer as appropriate.
  7. To report to the Sub-Committee meetings any contacts, conversations, understand, arrangements and the like at each Sub-Committee meeting.



  1. Motions should be expressed in positive terms.
  2. Debates and discussions on motions should not exceed fifteen minutes. The permission of the meeting should be sought if any speaker wishes to hold the floor for more than three minutes.
  3. Members can speak only once on each substantive motion or procedural motion (if debate is allowed at all)
  4. Only the mover of the motion has the right of reply during debate, and must not introduce any new matters at that time.
  5. If a member has moved a resolution or an amendment without speaking on it, he/she lose the right to speak again on that resolution or amendment.
  6. The order in which the Secretary receives notices of motion will be the order in which the motions are dealt with in the meeting.
  7. Motions on notice should be provided at least two weeks before a meeting in which they are to be put.
  8. A substantive motion put to the meeting must be dealt with before another substantive motion is moved.
  9. When a substantive motion is being debated, the other motions which may be moved are:
  10. That permission be granted to withdraw an amendment or a motion
  11. That the question now be put, that the meeting proceed to the next business
  12. That the debate be adjourned
  13. That a motion be amended
  14. That a motion be referred to another person or body
  15. That actions taken by a named member of the meeting be discussed
  16. That a motion or document lie on the table
  17. That a time limit be changed, and
  18. That the meeting go into the committee as a whole
  19. Debate is forbidden following a motion that the question now be put and following a motion that permission be granted to withdraw an amendment or motion.


  1. Only one (1) amendment maybe debated at any one time and amendments must be debated in the sequence in which they influence the words of the substantive motion.
  2. The mover of a motion cannot move an amendment.
  3. An amendment must relate to the motion and it must not negate it.
  4. Only mover of a motion has the right of reply to an amendment.


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